Monday, March 5, 2007

For those of you that think computer users need help desks

This is a really funny video about a man from the middle ages who calls the help desk to learn about this new technology known as a book. It's from a show called Øystein & Meg. It's written by Knut Nærum. The actors are named Øystein Bache and Rune Gokstad. Thanks to YouTube user ZrednaZ for humourous post and backround information.


Rachel Boyd said...

Hi Beth,

Great to meet a fellow blogger, looks like you are up to similar things regarding educational blogging as me also! I have also just started running workshops for teachers on blogging also.

I've enjoyed having a look at what your kids have been up to on your class blog also. We would love an overseas contact!!!!

Send me an email and we'll chat further, I'd love to see what ideas we can come up with :)

Kind regards, Rachel

Bookreeader said...

Thank you for sharing cool videos with me! I will certainly pass THIS one along!
Your librarian partner -