Monday, April 16, 2007

Simply Successful Secrets

Allanahk tagged me to…

List the top 5 to 10 things that you do almost every day that help you to be successful. They can be anything at all, but they have to be things that you do at least 4 or 5 times every week. Anything less than that may be a hobby that helps you out, but we are after the real day in and day out habits that help you to be successful.Source: Miguel Guhlin responding to Ed Tech Journeys’ Guest Blogger, Sylvia Martinez (GenYESBlog) writing on this meme by Thea Westra, Simply Successful Secrets
This blog started it all off on March 7th.

Like Allanah, I don't always view myself as extremely successful. I just work hard to create the best experiences I can for my students. My teaching career is simply, an extension of who I am. I am also lucky enough to have a family to love and take care of and who love and take care of me. My cousin who writes for the USA Today once wrote an article comparing the success of my grandfather to the success of the fortune 500 CEOs that he usually interviews. He judged my grandfather's success on his relationships with the family he raised and the love he shared with us all. I agree with my cousin and strive to be as successful in life as my grandparents were in theirs.

As for me, what makes me successful??? What are the habits that help me succeed?

Play a little everyday. Yes play. I love to play with my 4 year old. To get down on the floor and play with stuffed animals. To live in his imaginary world if only for a short time.

Do the unexpected - Toast marshmallows over the gas stove in the middle of winter. Make snow cones with actual snow. Have a Pajama day and serve eggs, bacon and waffles in the classroom. Make up a song with the class. Celebrate backwards day. Start the day writing down the homework and end with the morning meeting. I don't always do something big, but always do something a bit unexpected.

Learn - Read the latest research or interesting education blogs. I attend workshops or conferences when I get a chance, but mostly I learn from my students and my 4 year old son. Children see things in a new and interesting way that often reminds me of the real meaning in the world.

Collaborate - I have the fortune of working on an amazing team. We meet several times a week and share ideas on a daily basis. I am always learning something from them. I also collaborate with our librarian on classroom projects, professional development ventures, workshop planning and we have become a grant writing team. My latest collaboration efforts with Allahna King from New Zealand is also proving to be fruitful.

O.K. M. Karre and Gail S consider yourself tagged.
Your it. what makes you successful?


Moturoa said...

Thank you Beth,
It is interesting to see that hardly any-one thinks of themselves as particularly successful in their own eyes. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


Bookreeader said...

Successful? I am lucky not to fall too much behind each day!

To keep the dogs at bay, so to speak, I keep multiple calendars, and hope that one of them has the meeting or practice or workshop that I am supposed to be attending written on it!

To keep from getting overwhelmed, I have to prioritize - and I think with a fairly relaxed attitude. Who will care, fifty years from now, if the dishes were done on time?

Like Beth, I try to keep up with trends by attending classes, workshops and reading journals. At m age, I need to keep the brain cells active! And I always volunteer to present at workshops; teaching others helps me learn.

My son's baseball games keep me sane, by making me sit down in the fresh air and just watch. Of course, I take a journal or book with me, just for between innings....;-) And we play cards or board games to de-stress some days.

Collaborations and connections with colleagues keep me focused and energized, especially collaborations with certain 4th grade teachers who are always coming up with terrific projects! And I try to meet with fellow librarians as often as possible to compare and discuss - over lunch or on a trip if possible!

Just to be sure that all of this works, I start each day with a short prayer, usually while driving to school. I think about what is scheduled that day, and ask to get through it all with grace and wisdom.

I would love to hear what others do to be successful. As far as my days go, a successful one ends better than it started!