Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Smart Table

I was just asked how our District could afford to buy a Smart table. The Smart Table was sent to us as part of a SEED program with Smart. I applied in the fall and was chosen this spring. The table arrived at the end of the school year. we had a week for the students to try it out before the school year ended. I will be creating content throughout the summer and sending it to Smarttech. I believe the plan is to have content listed by subject area available for download, similar to how it is done for Smart Notebook. Here is a newspaper article that helps explain.

I will be creating content throughout the summer and sending it to Smarttech. I believe the plan is to have content listed by subject area available for download, similar to how it is done for Smart Notebook.

Another question that I was asked is "how do you create content?"
The Smart Table comes with Smart table toolkit software for your other computers. You can create content on any computer, download it to the included key drive bracelet and upload it into the Smart table.
I hope this answers your questions. Have a great evening. We have sun here in Binghamton and I am heading back out to enjoy it.:)

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